If you're into the healthier non-deep-fried treat, not to worry, try picking a few of the leaves and new flowers to add to your favorite green salad for additional vitamins and color! Also, the greens on these little weeds are great cooked just like spinach or sauteed with some olive oil and onion. The flower buds can be made into pickles and there are numerous recipes for dandelion wines, jelly, root tea, and anything else you can imagine out there on the internet.
Bewildering as it is, some people spend $15 per pound to kill the dandelions from their yard while others buy the teas and roots for about the same price to increase the health of their livers and digestive system....GO FIGURE! Actually, with the cost of Garden Weasels, Weed Whackers, Roundup, and intensive labor invested in the destruction of this deep rooting, fast growing plant, I'm sure the price-tag to destroy the dandelion FAR exceeds $15 per pound!
So, let me offer you the following solution: Take-a-break, America! Sit back, relax with some dandelion root tea, enjoy the beautiful yellow speckled yards, mix up a pot of dandelion greens and BE VERY THANKFUL you never have to worry about killing this wonderful, culinary herb ever again!
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